9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials

I’ve been thinking and talking alot lately about the lack of color diversity in the dog world. A couple of weeks ago, after a very long discussion about life, dogs, racism, and the general state of the world, my friend Perri asked me what she could do help a person of color feel welcome atContinue reading “9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials”

Fit YOUR Mask First

If you have ever had the pleasure of traveling with a commercial airline, you are familiar with the passenger safety briefings. This is when the airline staff relay the safety features and procedures specific to the aircraft you are on. If your aircraft flies high enough, this briefing includes a demonstration of the oxygen masksContinue reading “Fit YOUR Mask First”

Getting a Handle on Housetraining Issues

For many dog owners, housetraining is the #1 thing we want our dogs to learn. In my experience it is also one of the most frustrating and emotionally charged training issues that dog owners struggle with, and I can relate. Yes I’m a dog trainer and, yes, I’ve had house training issues… When Epic cameContinue reading “Getting a Handle on Housetraining Issues”

Trial Season Insanity: Can I avoid it?

Am I the only one that drives myself insane doing something I love? Is there anyone in the world who can do it all…or do these people just exist in my head?

Looking ahead at dog related goals for 2013

Now that things are slowing down (relatively) for the winter I’m taking some time to consider what I would like to work on this year. I had  look at my 2011/2012 goals and, while we worked  little bit on all of them, the only ones we achieved was fixing the back up 3 steps forContinue reading “Looking ahead at dog related goals for 2013”

Iliopsoas: Part 2

Here is the follow-up post to my post about Bear’s iliopspas injury way back in April. Day 6 – Thursday Today Bear seemed much improved. He is getting into the car by himself slowly, and he is walking upstairs on his own without having to put two hind feet on each step. He is alsoContinue reading “Iliopsoas: Part 2”

Iliopsoas! Say that ten times fast!

Do you know what the heck an iliopsoas is? I didn’t until this week. This past Saturday at Rally class, Bear didn’t seem quite right. His pivots weren’t as enthusiastic as usual and while he was excited to work he was slow and lagging behind a bit. This was uncharacteristic behavior for him. Wondering ifContinue reading “Iliopsoas! Say that ten times fast!”

Originally posted on Prairie Dog Daycare:
I recently attended a webinar called Preventing Poisoned Pets delivered by Tina Wismer of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Centre. Given my pet first aid training, I thought I knew what I needed to know about pets and poisoning. However,  this seminar was offered for free and counts towards…