9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials

I’ve been thinking and talking alot lately about the lack of color diversity in the dog world. A couple of weeks ago, after a very long discussion about life, dogs, racism, and the general state of the world, my friend Perri asked me what she could do help a person of color feel welcome atContinue reading “9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials”

Using a clicker to mark behaviours in the herding arena

I recently had someone online ask if anyone had any experience with using markers, like a clicker in herding. These days, most trainers that use positive reinforcement can think of multiple ways to use a clicker to shape behaviours in other sports like agility, obedience or scent work but we struggle with how we mightContinue reading “Using a clicker to mark behaviours in the herding arena”

Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013

I am a bit behind but two weekends ago, Bear and I headed to St. Norbert, MB for three days of herding. This was my first herding clinic so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I’m new enough to the sport to know I don’t really know anything. There were a variety of dogsContinue reading “Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013”

Herding – April 6, 2013

Today’s experience reminds me a lot of when I learned to drive a standard car. I knew what I should be doing, I knew how it should be done, I could get the car in gear occasionally but I lacked the timing and coordination to pull it off consistently until I had practiced (and stalled out) many times.

Herding – March 30, 2013

Yesterday, since I had to drive in to Winnipeg to pick up dog food for work, I decided to bring Bear with me and go herding for the first time this year. We have not been out since our first trial in September but we are attending a clinic next month so I figured itContinue reading “Herding – March 30, 2013”

Looking ahead at dog related goals for 2013

Now that things are slowing down (relatively) for the winter I’m taking some time to consider what I would like to work on this year. I had  look at my 2011/2012 goals and, while we worked  little bit on all of them, the only ones we achieved was fixing the back up 3 steps forContinue reading “Looking ahead at dog related goals for 2013”

2012 in Review: 12 dog related accomplishments

Now that we are officially into the year 2013, I have been thinking about what a huge adventure the year 2012 was for Bear and I. We tried some new things, we succeeded at some things, we failed at others. I smiled a lot, I laughed a lot, I cried a little. Below are someContinue reading “2012 in Review: 12 dog related accomplishments”

CKC and AHBA Herding Trials – September 28, 29 & 30, 2012

Two weekends ago, Bear and I attended our first herding trials ever. We attended a few classes this spring and Bear is getting better and better with the sheep. I am also getting better at handling so I was hopeful we would be able to at least achieve either a Herding Tested title under CKCContinue reading “CKC and AHBA Herding Trials – September 28, 29 & 30, 2012”

Herding–September 12, 2012

Last Wednesday we made the trek to St. Norbert for our last chance at herding before the trial at the end of the month. On the weekend we went down to Bottineau, ND where I purchased a stock stick so now I look like I know what I am doing. My stick is plain whiteContinue reading “Herding–September 12, 2012”

Herding – August 22, 2012

Bear and I went to another herding lesson today. The skies were clear and the sun was shining so we got to work outdoors. I decided to go in for the early class which would get me home earlier and ensure I got my beauty rest – I do have a rally trial this weekend,Continue reading “Herding – August 22, 2012”