Fit YOUR Mask First

If you have ever had the pleasure of traveling with a commercial airline, you are familiar with the passenger safety briefings. This is when the airline staff relay the safety features and procedures specific to the aircraft you are on. If your aircraft flies high enough, this briefing includes a demonstration of the oxygen masksContinue reading “Fit YOUR Mask First”

To Cue, or not to Cue?

A few weeks ago, I had a bit of training dilemma, followed by a training epiphany, followed of course, by a new training dilemma. Training Dilemma #1 Epic and I have been working a lot on heeling lately for rally trials. Occasionally Epic will drift a tiny bit. Sometimes it’s a forge, sometimes a lag,Continue reading “To Cue, or not to Cue?”

2012 in Review: 12 dog related accomplishments

Now that we are officially into the year 2013, I have been thinking about what a huge adventure the year 2012 was for Bear and I. We tried some new things, we succeeded at some things, we failed at others. I smiled a lot, I laughed a lot, I cried a little. Below are someContinue reading “2012 in Review: 12 dog related accomplishments”

CARS AAC Agility Trial: November 17-18, 2012

Two weekends ago, after our disastrous attempt at CKC Rally, Bear and I attended an agility trial hosted by Canine Agility Racers here in Brandon. I entered this trial weeks ago but to be honest, I was not looking forward to it at all – mostly because I was exhausted. A trip to Calgary plusContinue reading “CARS AAC Agility Trial: November 17-18, 2012”

Wheat City Kennel Club Rally Obedience Trial – November 16, 2012

I decided to enter Bear in one CKC rally obedience trial at the Excellent level last weekend. We had successfully been trialing in different venues (besides home) without food on the course and I thought we might be ready. I was wrong. There were 5 dogs in our class. I knew the dog ahead ofContinue reading “Wheat City Kennel Club Rally Obedience Trial – November 16, 2012”

CKC and AHBA Herding Trials – September 28, 29 & 30, 2012

Two weekends ago, Bear and I attended our first herding trials ever. We attended a few classes this spring and Bear is getting better and better with the sheep. I am also getting better at handling so I was hopeful we would be able to at least achieve either a Herding Tested title under CKCContinue reading “CKC and AHBA Herding Trials – September 28, 29 & 30, 2012”

COKC Agility Trial – September 15 & 16, 2012

Last weekend, Bear and I were entered in our first 2 day agility trial in many years. We were entered in gamblers, snooker, standard and jumpers on Saturday and gamblers, steeplechase, standard and jumpers on Sunday. I was unsure what the weekend would be like, especially since we had missed the last two classes beforeContinue reading “COKC Agility Trial – September 15 & 16, 2012”

Our First TD Test – About as good as it could be…without passing

Before the Test We met at a Denny’s for the draw. In tracking there is an advantage to an earlier track – early tracks are often aged less and are likely to have more dew remaining on the vegetation. Dew is good because moisture enhances scent. Before the draw I got to meet a FacebookContinue reading “Our First TD Test – About as good as it could be…without passing”

Our First Tracking Test – Prepared for the worst, hoping for the best.

This weekend, Bear and I are going to a tracking test. This will be our first time at a test – I was too much of a chicken last year and backed out at the last minute. This year I’m still a chicken, but I’m going anyway. Between some time off tracking in the springContinue reading “Our First Tracking Test – Prepared for the worst, hoping for the best.”

TPD/PDD August 2012 Rally Trial Recap

Last weekend I was at our own Two Brown Dogs and Prairie Dog Daycare Rally Trial. I judged two half days and entered Bear in the runs I was not judging. From a Judging perspective, this was one of the nicest trials I judged. Handlers were kind and patient with their dogs, people  stepped upContinue reading “TPD/PDD August 2012 Rally Trial Recap”