9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials

I’ve been thinking and talking alot lately about the lack of color diversity in the dog world. A couple of weeks ago, after a very long discussion about life, dogs, racism, and the general state of the world, my friend Perri asked me what she could do help a person of color feel welcome atContinue reading “9 Ways to Welcome BIPOC at Dog Shows and Trials”

19 Things Dog Sport Fanatics can do while respecting social distancing protocols

1. Organize your dog related paperwork. We’ve all got scorecards, Title certificates and, vet records that need organising. 2. Update your dog’s page on any Websites/Databases they are listed on. If your paperwork is all organized, this shouldn’t take long. 3. Display your awards. You’ve worked hard for those titles and ribbons. Get those certificatesContinue reading “19 Things Dog Sport Fanatics can do while respecting social distancing protocols”