Fit YOUR Mask First

If you have ever had the pleasure of traveling with a commercial airline, you are familiar with the passenger safety briefings. This is when the airline staff relay the safety features and procedures specific to the aircraft you are on. If your aircraft flies high enough, this briefing includes a demonstration of the oxygen masksContinue reading “Fit YOUR Mask First”

Carting with Epic – May 5/19

Today, while beginning to unload some firewood from Sean’s truck, I had a moment of brilliance/insanity. Is there a word for an idea that has equal potential for wild success or epic disaster? A Schrödinger’s idea, maybe? My idea was to the Epic with some weight in the cart (firewood) to see if I couldContinue reading “Carting with Epic – May 5/19”

Carting with Epic – April 19/17 (VIDEO)

Since I posted about Epic being worried about our cart this past Monday, I’ve been mulling over how I might approach our next session to encourage her out of her cart induced paralysis. Today, I decided to use her supper as a reward instead of the yummy soft treats I use at agility class. SheContinue reading “Carting with Epic – April 19/17 (VIDEO)”

To Cue, or not to Cue?

A few weeks ago, I had a bit of training dilemma, followed by a training epiphany, followed of course, by a new training dilemma. Training Dilemma #1 Epic and I have been working a lot on heeling lately for rally trials. Occasionally Epic will drift a tiny bit. Sometimes it’s a forge, sometimes a lag,Continue reading “To Cue, or not to Cue?”

Pupdate – May 2014 Dog Shows

After our last dog show, I resolved to do something about how Epic appears in profile, so back to conformation handling classes we went. What I learned is that if I hold Epic’s head up by her collar just a bit, and lover the bait to almost my knees, it improves her profile a lot.Continue reading “Pupdate – May 2014 Dog Shows”

Pupdate – March 8, 2014

In the past two weeks, we haven’t been up to a whole lot. Epic came with me to deliver a CARO rally obedience seminar in Winnipeg. It was her second time in hotel, her first time in an elevator and her first weekend in the portable fabric crate. We survived, the crate survived and noContinue reading “Pupdate – March 8, 2014”

Getting a Handle on Housetraining Issues

For many dog owners, housetraining is the #1 thing we want our dogs to learn. In my experience it is also one of the most frustrating and emotionally charged training issues that dog owners struggle with, and I can relate. Yes I’m a dog trainer and, yes, I’ve had house training issues… When Epic cameContinue reading “Getting a Handle on Housetraining Issues”

9 Skills to Teach your Novice Rally Dog

As a rally judge I have often observed that for some dog and handler teams, not having one skill can result in a number of point deductions and even disqualification. For example, when a dog and handler team has trouble with left pivots, then they almost always have difficulty with left turns, about “U” turns,Continue reading “9 Skills to Teach your Novice Rally Dog”

CARO Rally Seminar in Red Deer, Alberta (October 19-20, 2013)

I am so thrilled to announce that I will be delivering a CARO Rally Obedience Seminar hosted by the Wicked Canine Dog Sport Company next month! The seminar will take place in a riding arena (TONS of space for dogs) and will cover all levels (Novice-Versatility) – and a fun match! All are welcome, mixedContinue reading “CARO Rally Seminar in Red Deer, Alberta (October 19-20, 2013)”

Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013

I am a bit behind but two weekends ago, Bear and I headed to St. Norbert, MB for three days of herding. This was my first herding clinic so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I’m new enough to the sport to know I don’t really know anything. There were a variety of dogsContinue reading “Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013”