Using a clicker to mark behaviours in the herding arena

I recently had someone online ask if anyone had any experience with using markers, like a clicker in herding. These days, most trainers that use positive reinforcement can think of multiple ways to use a clicker to shape behaviours in other sports like agility, obedience or scent work but we struggle with how we mightContinue reading “Using a clicker to mark behaviours in the herding arena”

Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013

I am a bit behind but two weekends ago, Bear and I headed to St. Norbert, MB for three days of herding. This was my first herding clinic so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I’m new enough to the sport to know I don’t really know anything. There were a variety of dogsContinue reading “Herding Clinic with Roy Sage – April 20 & 21, 2013”

Notes: Tracking lecture by John (Jack) Wilhelm September 2, 2012

The following is my interpretation of some of the topics covered in a short (2.5hour) lecture delivered by John (Jack) Wilhelm after our tracking test last Sunday. I am posting them, like I have for other seminars in the past, because writing helps me process things. I’ll add my thoughts/comments at another time. Training vs.Continue reading “Notes: Tracking lecture by John (Jack) Wilhelm September 2, 2012”

Notes: Temple Grandin Lecture – May 23, 2012

Way back in May, Renee and I attended a lecture delivered by Temple Grandin right here in Brandon Manitoba! The conference room at the Victoria Inn was packed with approximately 700 individuals from all walks of life. To say the crowd was diverse is an understatement. There were folks dressed up in their western bestContinue reading “Notes: Temple Grandin Lecture – May 23, 2012”